Construction industry

We developed a vast range of innovative and eco-friendly products, characterised by the addition of silicon nanoparticles, for the protection of all type of mineral surfaces.
Solutions which can change the way surface treatments are known as of today.
The choice of silicon in our products is related to the fact that it isn't harmful for man, since it can be found in pretty much every natural material, and the human body itself is partly composed of it.
Thanks to nanotechnology, our treatments bind to surfaces and become an integral part of them while not modifying their original appereance.
These treatments associate hydro-oleophobic properties with anti-adherence, anti-graffiti, and prevention from fungus, pollutants and bacteria formation.
Protection from ice and thaw cycles, anti-humidity and anti-limestone.
Our products mantain the original breathability of the surface, don't create any superficial film and are completely invisible.
Today it is finally possible to protect and mantain in time the elegance and appereance of materials from the natural decay caused by chemical and biological agents.

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